Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Couple of moans for the day

1. Why does it take so long to get a prescription? You always have to wait at least 20 minutess. I understand if there is a queue (line), but seriously, how long does it take to put some pills in a bottle?

2. It's damn hot here (over 100F/38C) and I was home early because of my doctors appointment, so I thought it would be nice to go for a swim in one of the local pools. I usually do this regularly in the summer, but haven't managed to yet this year. They're only bloody closed for the season already!

On another note, I only have 15 days at work left before I... um, errr, do something else.?! We did fall in love with San Diego at the weekend so I might look for a job there but I'm looking forward to a stint at home first to rejuvenate all that Englishness. I wonder if I'll lose weight.


At Thu Aug 17, 03:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you have to wait like 3 hours to get anything done in the hospital in Britain? Plus, if you go to the right pharmacy (with a deli counter), you can have a tasty snack while you wait.


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