Tuesday, December 13, 2005


A friend of mine has introduced me to a fitness website called crossfit. There is a work out posted each day in the style of a blog. The work outs are short and use minimal equipment and can be tailored to any level of fitness by changing the exercises slightly or using less weight etc. Most work outs last 15-20 minutes and many would be ideal whilst watching TV. I recommend you try it out.

Today I did last Saturday's work out with push ups instead of pull ups. It entailed doing 1 in the 1st minute 2 in the 2nd etc until you could not complete the number within the corresponding minute. I managed 15 minutes plus 9 in the 16th making a total of 129. I thought that sounded ok until I saw that people had been doing over 200 pull ups!!! I'm not sure I could manage 2!


At Thu Dec 15, 12:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was a geometric series at first but that would mean 16384 push ups in the 15th minute. I'm sure there would be physiological implications at that rate (273Hz). Blood shot eyes? Joint damage? What if you didnt stop going down in time- I calculate that you'd hit the floor at over 500m/s. Nice.

At Thu Dec 15, 12:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I guess it wouldnt be that easy to watch the TV at the same time...

At Sat Dec 24, 07:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is that slug that you've got on your top lip in your photo?


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