What is the World coming to?

I don't want this blog to become a bogblog but I have to tell you about my latest airport toilet experience. Whilst on the way back from South Carolina, where we played in the USA rugby division II national finals, we had a lay over in Chicago O'Hare airport. Whilst there I found a rather amusing, and in my opinion badly designed, useless contraption attached to the toilet seat of the bathroom I used. It was called a Sani-Seat and is a continuous plastic sleeve that surrounds the seat itself. When you waved your hand in front of a sensor the entire sleeve was pulled from one end until the seat was covered in fresh unused plastic. It was quite amazing. As I have previously mentioned I find toilet seat covers a bit silly but I think this one really takes the biscuit (I expect that is an English phrase). To contain all that plastic, a rather large box is placed on the back of the toilet seat which meant, at least in my case, that there was not enough room to sit down and still get your bits to point in a convenient direction for using them as they are meant. Actually, to use my tackle it had to touch the inside of the bowl. This made for a rather uncomfortable and unhygenic experience (the opposite intention of the invention I suspect). I suppose women wouldn't have that problem. I really think it is just silly silly silly.
I don't think that you can get a real idea of what I mean from what I have said here so I recommend going to this website. You should also try the short demonstration of the sani seat in action here and if you have time the other videos are quite amusing, especially the news clips.
Glad to see you spent a little time researching this.
Hello mate,
Have just returned from our little jaunt through Asia. It's good to be back with a decent flushing toilet, complete with seat and toilet paper. Never could quite get the hang of the poo-gun. I've got no idea how those guys keep their trousers dry.
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