Skunk Suicide Month

Today, on my drive along the presidential corridor, I saw an amazing amount of skunks. There was one every few miles. The had all expired already though and it made for a particularly unpleasant smelling trip.
After this I was not surprised to discover that the skunk is a very short lived animal and only around 10% survive past three years. This is partly due to the fact that they cannot see very well past 3 metres and because people like to run them over, shoot or poison them. Apparently it is breeding season at the moment so maybe the ones I saw were all the post-coital lethargic males. If that is the case, at least they died happy.
Sounds tough to be a skunk. Remember Pepé Le Pew?
"Ah, my little darling, it is love at first sight, is it not, no?".
check out the song dead skunk in middle of the road. by the great loudon waignwright, father of rufus. jimmy's brov. tam.
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