Great but confusing deal
I few weeks ago I hired a car for the weekend for $10 a day. A great deal from Enterprise. Last weekend I hired another car of the same class for a couple of days and they charged me $25 a day. I thought that this was because last weekend was a holiday weekend and so the prices were probably higher. It turns out that I was wrong. If you hire a compact/economy car from Friday to Monday they charge you for four days at $10. That makes $40 for the rental. It turns out that if you hire the same car for two days they charge you $25 a day and thus $50 for the rental!!
It don't make no sense to me bubba.
Honestly, I'm not fixated by poo but I just found my birthday card from Rebecca and thought I'd show it to you because it is very funny. Click for a larger image.

I'm glad you still find the birthday card I gave you funny, it makes up a little bit for me not being there on your birthday!
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