Tuesday, November 14, 2006

One for the Texans and/or Ruggers

This is the Texas Embassy, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London. A silly theme restaurant you might be thinking. You may be right, but if you look closely on the wall outside, there is an interesting plaque.

And if you walk a short distance away from here, along Pall Mall to St James St, you find the building shown below. This is where the real Texas Embassy was, as shown by the plaque on the wall. It is now a wine merchant's in a particularly posh part of town, not far from the Ritz.

Here's the plaque erected by the Anglo-Texan Society which you can read about here.

My beautiful talented girlfriend

Last weekend Rebecca and I went to Jack and Tash's wedding in London. It was a fantastic do in a wonderful setting overlooking the London Eye. Everyone had a great time. All these wonderful weddings are really putting the pressure on the rest of us though! Rebecca made her dress and my cravat and waist coat. As you can see they turned out great - it helps to have good models though of course!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Spell Check

Interestingly, the word 'blog' is not in the spell check dictionary for this site!

The alternatives it gives you are these:


I had never heard of bolos before. Apparently, it can either be American slang for soldiers who fail to meet the minimum standard for markmanship, or a single edged machete from the Philippines. You learn something new everyday.

'Weblog' is also not in the spellchecker. Instead it offers up Wobbles or Efflux!


Not content with being younger and taller than me, he also gets better cuts than me! You can see the story of how it happened here. Amazingly enough it didn't involve alcohol (at least that what he says anyway). He assures me that he has visited my blog now from Australia and I see he has left some comments but I still don't have a red dot on the map. I also need some hits from Africa if any of you fancy going there and logging on!